On Thursday David Nolen teased that "the next Om release is gonna to be a doozy”. On Saturday, he revealed “Reference Cursors”. As he explains and demonstrates in this tutorial reference cursors let your ui components and your data have different hierarchies.
As an example of where this might be useful, imagine your data looks like this:
(defonce app-state (atom {:messages [{:sender "Paul" :text "Let It Be"}]
:members [{:name "John" :instrument :guitar}
{:name "George" :instrument :guitar}
{:name "Paul" :instrument :bass}
{:name "Ringo" :instrument :drums}
{:name "Clarence" :instrument :saxophone}]}))
And your UI is structured like this:
(defn main-panel [app owner]
(render [this]
(dom/div nil
(dom/div #js {:className "row"}
(om/build msgs-panel (:messages app)))
(dom/div #js {:className "row"}
(om/build user-panel (nth (:members app) 0))
(om/build user-panel (nth (:members app) 1))
(om/build user-panel (nth (:members app) 2))
(om/build user-panel (nth (:members app) 3)))))))
The messages panel knows about the messages, and each user panel knows only about the user it represents.
What happens if you want to display each user’s messages in the user panels? You could pass the entire app-state to each panel, but then you have to find another way to indicate which particular user each panel represents.
Reference cursors allow exposing a data hierarchy independently from the ui structure. In this application, we expose the messages:
(defn messages []
(om/ref-cursor (:messages (om/root-cursor app-state))))
We can then observe this cursor in the user panels, as in the let binding here:
(defn user-panel [app owner]
(render [_]
(let [xs (->> (om/observe owner (messages))
(filter #(= (:sender %) (:name app)))
(dom/div #js {:className "col-xs-3 panel panel-warning msg-log"}
(dom/h4 #js {:className "panel-heading"}
(str (:name app) " " (:instrument app)))
(dom/div #js {:className "panel-body"}
(apply dom/ul #js {:className "list-group"}
(map #(dom/li #js {:className "list-group-item"}
(:text %))
(take 3 xs)))))))))
Even in this small application, reference cursors make for a much cleaner solution. For larger applications, they are going to make a huge difference.
You can find the code for this application on github and you can see the application running here.
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ReplyDeleteI'm currently building an application using om, and there is something I don't understand regarding reference cursors: What is the advantage of using them over using multiple cursors, as explained in https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Cursors#using-multiple-cursors ?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently building an application using om, and there is something I don't understand regarding reference cursors: What is the advantage of using them over using multiple cursors, as explained in https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Cursors#using-multiple-cursors ?