Sunday, May 13, 2012

On Lisp in Clojure chapter 9

I am continuing to translate the examples from On Lisp by Paul Graham into Clojure. The examples and links to the rest of the series can be found on github.

Chapter 9 is presented for the sake of completeness. Clojure's let bindings solve most of the problems Graham describes in this chapter. You can solve the rest of the problems by putting a # at the end of any variable name you don't want to be subject to capture. e.g. x#.

Stuart Halloway also has written a post on this chapter on his blog. He gives a good description of how these capture issues relate to Clojure.

Section 9.1 Macro Argument Capture

We can write Clojure macros that run into some the same argument capture problems.

(defmacro for' [[var start stop] & body]
     (def ~var (atom ~start))
     (def limit ~stop)
     (while (< (deref ~var) limit)
       (swap! ~var inc))))

;; seems to work
(for' [ x 1 10] (println (str "current value is " @x)))

;; fails with error
(for' [ limit 1 10] (println (str "current value is" @limit)))

The version that is supposed to fail silently actually works just fine.

(let [limit 5]
  (for' [i 1 10]
        (when (> @i limit)
          (println (str @i) ) )))

Section 9.2 Free Symbol Capture

Translating the examples from this section does not lead to the same errors. The w referred to in simple-ratio is different from the w referred to in gripe. I don't know why the gripe macro doesn't get fooled by the parameter in simple-ratio, but it doesn't.

(def w (atom []))

(defmacro gripe [warning]
  `(do (swap! w #(conj % (list ~warning)))

(defn simple-ratio [v w]
  (let [vn (count v) wn (count w)]
    (if (or (< vn 2) (< wn 2))
      (gripe "sample < 2")
      (/ vn wn))))

Section 9.3 When Capture Occurs

The first couple of code snippets just show let binding to describe the free variables. The first capture example is almost identical in Clojure.

(defmacro cap1 []
  `(+ x 1))

The next several capture examples don't apply in Clojure. Even if you do have an x defined in your environment, this macro won't compile:

(defmacro cap2 [var]
  `(let [x 2 ~var 3]
     (+ x ~var)))

When the macro expands, x gets expanded to a namespace qualified symbol, such as user/x, but you can't use let to bind a value to a namespace qualified symbol. In the first example from this chapter, the for loop, I used def to bind my variables, because I wanted to go out of my way to get the error.

The only way to define a cap2 macro in Clojure is like this:

(defmacro cap2 [var]
  `(let [x# 2 ~var 3]
     (+ x# ~var)))

The # symbol after the variable name causes the macro expansion to do a gensym, which will give a unique name to x#, which no doubt is how Graham will have us solve the problem, after he finishes warning us about it.

Section 9.4 Avoiding Capture with Better Names

This section doesn't give any examples.

Section 9.5 Avoiding Capture by Prior Evaluation

The failing call to before doesn't fail in Clojure. Even with the caller using def from within a do block. Probably this is because we can't bind to a namespace qualified symbol in a let. Oh, don't call my position function on a value that doesn't exist in the sequence.

(defn position [needle haystack]
  (loop [acc 0 lst haystack]
    (cond (empty? lst) nil
          (= needle (first lst)) acc
          :default (recur (inc acc) (rest lst)))))

(defmacro before [x y seq2]
  `(let [seq# ~seq2]
     (< (position ~x seq#)
        (position ~y seq#))))

(before (do (def seq2 '(b a)) 'a) 'b '(a b))

Here is the Clojure version of the new improved for loop. Graham defined the code to be executed as a lambda, and then looped over the invocation of that function. I am just going to bind my end value as limit# and move on.

(defmacro for' [[var start stop] & body]
  `(let [~var (atom ~start) limit# ~stop ]
     (while (< (deref ~var) limit#)
       (swap! ~var inc))))

Sections 9.6 and 9.7

We have seen the for loop several times, and we have already mentioned that gensym in CLISP is done with appending a # to the var name. Clojure is broken up into namespaces, not packages. Namespaces make name collisions less common, but not impossible, just as Graham describes for Lisp.

Section 9.8 Capture in Other Name Spaces

I wasn't able to reproduce the error in Clojure. What mac thinks is fun is different than what my let binding does for fun.

(defn fun [x] (+ x 1))

(defmacro mac [x] `(fun ~x))

(mac 10)

(let [fun  (fn [y] (- y 1))]
  (mac 10))

Section 9.9 Why Bother

Graham's answer to the question is a good one. And Rich Hickey's implementation of Lisp solves a lot of the problems for us.

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