I am continuing to translate the examples from On Lisp by Paul Graham into Clojure. The examples and links to the rest of the series can be found on github.
The first two sections of chapter 8 contain a lot of discussion and only a couple of small examples. Section 8.3 is a lot more involved, and I think we do get the first suggestion that maybe macros really are as powerful as those who already know Lisp would have us believe.
Section 8.1 When Nothing Else WIll Do
Graham describes 7 situations in which macros can do things that functions cannot. The text is very informative. The examples aren't significant, but for the sake of completeness:
(defn addf [x]
(+ x 1))
(defmacro addm [x]
`(+ 1 ~x))
(defmacro our-while [test & body]
`(if ~test
(swap! ~test not)
(defmacro foo [x]
`(+ ~x y))
Graham has a list of 7 points in this section too. This time it is the pros and cons of using a macro instead of a function in a situation when either will do. Interestingly, there are 3 pros and 4 cons.
(defn avg [& args]
(/ (apply + args) (count args)))
(defmacro avgm [& args]
`(/ (+ ~@args) ~(count args)))
((fn [x y] (avgm x y)) 1 3)
Section 8.3 Applications for Macros
nil! is different in Clojure, because most values are immutable. Mutable values may be one of several types, each of which has its own semantics. Last chapter, we did one macro to set a ref to nil and another to set an atom to nil. There may indeed be situations where you want to have the same command to change either a ref or an atom.
(defmacro nil! [x]
`(cond (instance? clojure.lang.Atom ~x ) (reset! ~x nil)
(instance? clojure.lang.Ref ~x) (dosync (ref-set ~x nil))))
These two equivelent definitions of foo show how the defn macro works in Clojure.
(defn foo [x] (* x 2))
(def foo (fn [x] (* x 2)))
And of course, we can write a simplistic defn macro.
(defmacro our-defn [name params & body]
`(def ~name
(fn ~params ~@body)))
The last set of examples is much more involved. Graham describe a CAD system and shows how a move function and a scale function might be written.
Graham did not provide an implementation for redraw or bounds, but we need both, if our code is going compile and run.
(defn redraw [from-x from-y to-x to-y]
(println (str "Redrawing from: " from-x "," from-y " to "
to-x "," to-y)))
(defn bounds [objs]
(apply min (for [o ( :objects objs)]
(deref (:obj-x o))))
(apply min (for [o ( :objects objs)]
(deref (:obj-y o))))
(apply max (for [o ( :objects objs)]
(+ (deref (:obj-x o)) (deref (:obj-dx o)))))
(apply max (for [o ( :objects objs)]
(+ (deref (:obj-y o)) (deref (:obj-dy o)))))))
The move-objs and scale-objs functions take in a collection of objects that contain their x and y coordinates and their sizes. Each of the objects keep their properties in a map, because I prefer named parameters to positional ones. Each of the functions walks through the objects and transforms them. Then the redraw function is called, to redraw the affected portion of the screen.
(defn move-objs [objs dx dy]
(let [[x0 y0 x1 y1] (bounds objs)]
(doseq [o (:objects objs)]
(swap! (:obj-x o) + dx)
(swap! (:obj-y o) + dy))
(let [[xa ya xb yb] (bounds objs)]
(redraw (min x0 xa) (min y0 ya)
(max x1 xb) (max y1 yb)))))
(defn scale-objs [objs factor]
(let [[x0 y0 x1 y1] (bounds objs)]
(doseq [o (:objects objs)]
(swap! (:obj-dx o) * factor)
(swap! (:obj-dy o) * factor))
(let [[xa ya xb yb] (bounds objs)]
(redraw (min x0 xa) (min y0 ya)
(max x1 xb) (max y1 yb)))))
I wrote a sample collection of objects that could be passed in as obis to either function. The collection is actually a map, with all of the objects mapped to :objects. Originally, I had a keyword :bounds that stored the starting bounds of the objects, but the bounds need to be recalculated after the transformation, so it didn't make sense to store it in the collection. In the real world, the collection may have other properties aside from just the objects it contains, so I decided to leave it as a map.
(def sample-object-collection
{:objects [{:name "Object 1"
:obj-x (atom 0) :obj-y (atom 0)
:obj-dx (atom 5) :obj-dy (atom 5)}
{:name "Object 2"
:obj-x (atom 10) :obj-y (atom 20)
:obj-dx (atom 20) :obj-dy (atom 20)}]})
(move-objs sample-object-collection 5 5)
Both functions apply their transformations and then call the redraw function in the same verbose way. If we added a flip method and a rotate method, again we would have a unique transformation followed by the same call to redraw. To battle this repetition, Graham provides the with-redraw macro.
(defmacro with-redraw [varname objs & body]
`(let [[x0# y0# x1# y1#] (bounds ~objs)]
(doseq [~varname (:objects ~objs)] ~@body)
(let [[xa# ya# xb# yb#] (bounds ~objs)]
(redraw (min x0# xa#) (min y0# ya#)
(max x1# xb#) (max y1# yb#)))))
Because of this macro, the new versions of move-objs and scale-objs are much nicer. Each function has gone from 8 lines to 4, and all of the code that was taken out was noisy and distracting. Now it is easy to see how each function performs its transformation.
(defn move-objs [objs dx dy]
(with-redraw o objs
(swap! (:obj-x o) + dx)
(swap! (:obj-y o) + dy)))
(defn scale-objs [objs factor]
(with-redraw o objs
(swap! (:obj-dx o) * factor)
(swap! (:obj-dy o) * factor)))