Monday, April 16, 2012

On Lisp in Clojure (chapter 6)

I am continuing to translate the examples from On Lisp by Paul Graham into Clojure.

I have placed the examples from the first 6 chapters on GitHub. The readme links to all of the posts in this series. (Except this one... a fact without a time is incomplete).

Section 6.1 Networks

I have represented the nodes as a map of maps.

(def nodes
  {:people {:question "Is the person a man?" :yes :male :no :female}
   :male {:question "Is he dead?" :yes :deadman :no :liveman }
   :deadman {:question "Was he American?" :yes :us :no :them}
   :us {:question "Is he on a coin?" :yes :coin :no :cidence}
   :coin {:question "Is the coin a penny?" :yes :penny :no :coins}
   :penny {:answer "Lincoln"}})

(defn ask-question [question]

Since the network is incomplete, I decided not to implement the IO. Making ask-question always return true did require one change from Graham's example. Instead of asking if the person is living, I ask if he is dead, since I only go down the true line.

(defn run-node [name nodes]
  (let [n (name nodes)]
    (if-let [result (get n :answer)]
      (if (ask-question (:question n))
        (recur (:yes n) nodes)
        (recur (:no n) nodes)))))

(run-node :people nodes)

Of course, we want to be able to add nodes programmatically. Instead of optional parameters, in the Clojure implementation we can define a multiple arity function to add both branches and leaves.

(defn add-node
  ([nodes tag answer]
     (conj nodes {tag {:answer answer}}))
  ([nodes tag question yes no]
     (conj nodes {tag {:question question :yes yes :no no}})))

Because nodes is immutable, the following two calls each return a new map that is the original map, plus their one node.

(add-node nodes :liveman "Is he a former president" :texas :california)
(add-node nodes :texas "George W Bush")

The Clojure threading macro, ->, makes it easy to insert the result of one function as a parameter of a second function. The following block creates a new set of nodes with the :liveman tag and passes this to the function that adds the :texas tag. In the end, we get a new map that has both tags added.

    (add-node nodes :liveman "Is he a former president" 
         :texas :california)
    (add-node :texas "George W Bush"))

Section 6.2 Compiling Networks

In this section, Graham rewrote the network, adding the function calls to the nodes themselves.

The add-node function becomes

(defn add-node2
  ([nodes tag answer]
     (conj nodes {tag answer}))
  ([nodes tag question yes no]
     (conj nodes {tag (if (ask-question question) 
                           (yes nodes) 
                           (no nodes))})))

I added a couple of nodes, and was surprised by the results:

(def node2
      (add-node2 {} :people "Is the preson a man?" :male :female)
      (add-node2 :male "Is he dead?" :deadman :liveman)))
;; => {:male nil, :people nil}

I decided to start adding from the bottom up:

(def node2
  (-> (add-node2 {} :penny "Lincoln")
      (add-node2 :coin "is the coin a penny?" :penny :coins)
      (add-node2 :us "Is he on a coin" :coin :cindence)))
;; =>  {:us "Lincoln", :coin "Lincoln", :penny "Lincoln"}

I tried rewriting my add-node2 function.

(defn add-node2
  ([nodes tag answer]
     (conj nodes {tag answer}))
  ([nodes tag question yes no]
     (conj nodes
            (if ((fn [x] (ask-question x)) question )
              (yes nodes) (no nodes) )})))

I still got the same results.

I tried declaring, but not defining ask-question. When I called add-node2 I got an error that ask-question had not been defined. I tried referring to node2 from another namespace, and still every node evaluated to "Lincoln".

I rewrote the ask-question function to actually ask a question:

(defn prompt [text]
    (println text)

(defn ask-question [question]
  (prompt question))

Now, I get prompted with the question for each node I add. Again, I tried this from a different namespace, and again I was prompted.

I wonder if we have reached the limit of functions. Stay tuned, Chapter 7 begins our journey into the world of macros.

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