I got to participate in the RentPath engineering department planning session for 2016. We tried to develop a common vision for how we would like the department to operate at the start of 2017, and use that vision to evaluate our current processes and proposed changes.
I spent the last week of 2015 in bed with the flu. We all have things in our lives that we would like to do better, but the week I wasted, unable to do much of anything, all because I hadn’t even taken the time to consider getting a flu shot was really frustrating. It also reminded me that there are a lot of ways that I have been neglecting my health, and the diseases my current course will lead to won’t go away in a week.
Recognizing the need for change, I am going to try the same planning approach and start by asking who do I want to be at the beginning of 2017? And what kinds of things do I need to do, and what habits do I need to form, in 2016 to become that person?
At the start of 2017 protecting my health is a priority, because I recognize that being healthy leads to more energy and more enjoyment of life. Poor health not only means feeling bad, it also makes everything else in life more difficult.
I spend more time around other people. It is easy for me to get wrapped up in my own projects and pursuits, but life is more fun with others. I explore new music, listening to artists I haven’t heard before, going out to hear music live, and making horrible noises on the piano in my basement.
In the past, I have given up a lot in exchange for convenience and never realized what it was costing me. In 2016, I am without excuse. For the first time since 2002, I start the year with no thought about how to prepare for my next job. In 2016 my only career goals are to get better at the job I already have, and to help the people around me succeed.
I am looking forward to 2017 and who I am going to be. And I am going to enjoy getting there.
Happy New Year.